Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rambling on Foundation

Foundation, is defined as groundwork of anything. In Anusara yoga it is part of our first principle, Open to Grace and Set Your Foundation. To begin the groundwork of Opening to something bigger, to remember your groundwork of greatness-- as life moves we forget, we get some cracks in our foundation. As we grow, the foundations of our life help to give us confidence to make decisions, the foundations which are mirrored to us by our parents, our friends and those who helped to shape our lives. In the beginning of life, our foundation is based on people taking care of us, giving us the confidence to remember we are not alone-- if we cry someone comes to remind us we are not alone--- as we get older the foundation of that confidence helps to buoy us through our life---

One of the universal signs you have entered a yoga class is the mats, layed out like magic carpets on the floor-- the mat is a big part of yoga, you can spend from 8-108.00 per mat, and as you begin your practice you begin to integrate your foundation with the feeling of your mat-- your feet, all four corners and your hands, all four corners connect you to your magic carpet-- at the beginning of each class, we sit, we breathe, we connect with our breath and to each other, we chant to remember we are not alone-- to help us remember our foundation-- to help our greatness rise up and join in chant with each other. We stand tall, chest open, Open to possibilities, open to remembrance, Open because our feet are plugged into our foundation-- we are able to stand within ourselves with confidence.

What happens is that our habits sometimes move us out of our foundation, our habits were shaped as we began to leave our nest and enter school where for the first time in our life, we found out we were different, we needed help, we moved off our foundation, we began to question our goodness, we began to want to become someone else. Without a tether to remembrance, without our foundation of light, we begin to forget our greatness, we begin to want to hide our greatness because we don't want to seem different.....

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